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番茄鸡蛋汤 | 番茄鸡蛋汤英语

1. 番茄鸡蛋汤英语

tomato & egg soup, English Composition 番茄鸡蛋汤 英语作文 follow me to make tomato & egg soup 跟我如下做 1,peel off two pieces of tomatos 番茄去皮 2,cut the peeled tomato into pieces and then put it into boiler(pot) 去皮番茄切片入锅 3,cut one piece of green onion into 2 millimeter segment and then put it into a soup bowl 青葱切碎入汤碗 4,put one and half litre of water into the boiler 一升半水入锅 5,put salt,black pepper powder,cheese,MSG(only for Chinese), tomato paste,into boiler 锅里放盐,胡椒粉,油,味精,番茄酱 6,fire the boiler, let the water boiling,and cook for 5 minutes,then step 7,烧开锅煮5分钟,然后做第7步 7,take two eggs and stir egg, then put the stired egg into the boiler,and stir the boiler gently once. then cook 1 or 2 mimutes, the soup is ready 打二个蛋,搅动好,倒入锅,稍微搅动下,水再开就起锅 8,pour the soup into the soup bowl in which this is green onion 锅中汤倒入有葱的碗中 well, you take the taste soup 好了,美味汤

2. 番茄鸡蛋汤英语作文初二


3. 番茄鸡蛋汤英语单词


4. 番茄鸡蛋汤英语作文

Tomato Omelette is a home(-style) dish that is not only delicious but easy to cook/prepare(任选).

1.Raw materials: a tomato besides three eggs...

番茄炒鸡蛋,固定称谓,Tomato Omelette,名词大写,亦作Tomato Fried with Eggs

5. 番茄鸡蛋汤英语介绍

鸡蛋炒炒西红柿   西红柿炒鸡蛋(英文名:Scrambled eggs with tomatoes) 西红柿炒鸡蛋是家常菜之一。其最大的特点就是烹饪方便,营养价值高,将西红柿和鸡蛋的营养价值完美的搭配在一起,易于人们吸收,所以经常出现在人们的餐桌上。它具有蛋白质美容疗效,能使皮肤有弹性、有光泽,是一款简单易做的美容佳品。 色泽艳丽,汤汁鲜香。开胃健脾,助消化。

6. 番茄鸡蛋汤英语手抄报




4、 田野里金黄的稻子一望无边一颗颗格外饱满它们沉甸甸的好像弯下了腰。





2021农民丰收节祝福语 祝贺农民丰收的话语


9、 庄稼地里,金黄的玉米像金棒槌一样齐刷刷一片连着一片,高粱那红色的穗子,像害羞小姑娘一样,红着脸低下了羞涩的头,在微风中摇曳,大豆摇摇摆摆,在风中沙沙作响,田野里像演奏着一首大自然的合唱曲。







7. 番茄鸡蛋汤英语怎么说

Do you know how to make fried eggs with tomatoes?First,you should get three tomatoes and two eggs.Then break the eggs open and cut the tomatoes into small pieces.Third,mix the eggs and tomatoes together,add some salt and pepper and put them into the pan to cook.A few mimutes later,the dilicious dish is ready!

8. 番茄鸡蛋汤英语短语

1、tomato omelette



Tomato Omelette is a home-style dish that is not only delicious but easy to cook1.

英语书面表达 西红柿炒鸡蛋是 一道家常菜,它既甘旨可口又简单易做。

2、scrambled eggs with tomatoes



Scrambled eggs with tomatoes. l love vegetable salad best.

番茄炒蛋。 我最喜欢的菜肴是蔬菜色拉。

3、stir-fried eggs with tomato



So let's learn how to make stir- fried tomato with eggs.




1、Tomato omelette rice 水玉蛋包饭

2、Tomato & Bacon Omelette 烟熏烟肉蕃茄奄列

3、Omelette with Tomato 番茄炒蛋

4、Tomato scrambled eggs very tasty 西红柿炒鸡蛋很好吃

9. 番茄鸡蛋汤英语制作过程

Today, I will tell you how to make the tomato & egg noodles. First, you should wash the tomatos and cut them. Next, you fry the tomatos and eggs in a pan. Then, you add the water and wait it boiling. Finally, you add the noodles and wait for 2 minutes. The only thing you need to do is to taste your production.