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正式名称坦尚尼亚联合共和国(United Republic of Tanzania)

非洲东部国家,包括了印度洋中的桑吉巴、奔巴和马菲亚诸岛屿。面积935,037平方公里。人口约36,232,000(2001)。首都︰三兰港;法定首都为多多马。约120种已确认的种族;其中最大的一支是苏库马人,约占总人口的1/5。语言︰斯瓦希里语和英语(均为官方语)。宗教︰伊斯兰教、传统宗教、基督教。货币︰坦尚尼亚先令(T Sh)。虽然坦尚尼亚大部分地形属平原和高原,它也有一些壮丽的景观,如吉力马札罗山和伦盖伊山,後者是一座活火山。马拉威湖、坦干伊克湖、维多利亚湖和鲁夸湖部分或全部位於该国境内。尼罗河、刚果河和尚比西河主流亦是源於该国。塞伦盖提国家公园是最着名的狩猎保留区。该国重要的矿产有黄金、钻石、宝石、铁矿、煤和天然气。中央计画经济大部分以农业为基础;主要作物有玉蜀黍、稻米、咖啡、丁香、棉花、琼麻、腰果和烟草。工业有食品加工、纺织、水泥和酿酒。政府形式是共和国,一院制。国家元首暨政府首脑是总统。



Country, eastern Africa. It includes the islands of Zanzibar, Pemba, and Mafia in the Indian Ocean. Area: 364,881 sq mi (935,037 sq km). Population (1997 est.): 29,461,000. Capital: Dar es Salaam; Dodoma, designated. There are about 120 identifiable ethnic groups; the largest, the Sukuma, are about one-fifth of the population. Languages: Swahili, English (both official). Religions: Islam, animism, Christianity. Currency: Tanzanian shilling. Although most of Tanzania consists of plain and plateau, it has some spectacular relief features, including Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Lengai, an active volcano. All or portions of Lakes Malawi, Tanganyika, Victoria, and Rukwa lie within it, as do the headwaters of the Nile, Congo, and Zambezi rivers. Serengeti National Park is the most famous of its extensive game reserves. Important mineral deposits include gold, diamonds, gemstones, iron ore, coal, and natural gas. The centrally planned economy is based largely on agriculture; major crops include corn, rice, coffee, cloves, cotton, sisal, cashews, and tobacco. Industries include food processing, textiles, cement, and brewing. It is a republic with one legislative house; its head of state and government is the president. Inhabited from the 1st millennium BC, it was occupied by Arab and Indian traders and Bantu-speaking peoples by the 10th century AD. The Portuguese gained control of the coastline in the late 15th century, but they were driven out by the Arabs of Oman and Zanzibar in the late 18th century. German colonists entered the area in the 1880s, and in 1891 the Germans declared the region a protectorate as German East Africa. In World War I Britain captured the German holdings, which became a British mandate (1920) under the name Tanganyika. Britain retained control of the region after World War II when it became a UN trust territory (1946). Tanganyika gained independence in 1961 and became a republic in 1962. In 1964 it united with Zanzibar under the name Tanzania. It experienced both political and economic struggles in recent years.