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美国的种族平等运动,他们透过非暴力的抗议活动在南方打破了种族隔离模式,为黑人争取到平等权的立法。随着美国最高法院在「布朗对托皮卡教育局案」(1954)的裁决,黑人和白人支持者企图结束固有的隔离措施。1955年在阿拉巴马州蒙哥马利市,黑人妇女帕克斯(R. Parks)因在公共汽车上拒绝移至黑人座位而被捕,金恩和艾伯纳西领导了黑人进行一次杯葛公共汽车制度的运动。1960年代初期,学生非暴力协调委员会再次领导杯葛运动,并静坐抗议要求废除许多公共场所的隔离政策。民权运动运用甘地的非暴力抗议手法而广为散播,迫使百货商店、超市、图书馆和电影院等取消种族隔离做法。但在保守的南方各州仍顽固地反对大部分的取消隔离措施,而且常诉诸暴力,抗议者往往被攻击或杀害。1963年民权人士行军到首都华盛顿特区以支持立法,运动达到高潮。在甘乃迪被杀之後,詹森总统说服国会於1964年通过「民权法」,象徵了民权运动的一次大胜,紧接着在1965年又通过了「选举权法」。1965年以後,由於民权运动内部的分裂,好战的支派黑豹党从民权运动分离出来,黑人住区暴乱频生,加上金恩遇刺身亡,导致许多支持者开始退却。接下来的几十年里,民权领袖透过公职选举来获得权力,并透过反歧视行动以求获得更实际的经济和教育利益。

civil rights movement

Movement for racial equality in the U.S. that, through nonviolent protest, broke the pattern of racial segregation in the South and achieved equal-rights legislation for blacks. Following the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Brown vs. Board of Education (1954), blacks and white supporters attempted to end entrenched segregationist practices. When Rosa Parks was arrested in 1955 in Montgomery, Ala., a black boycott of the bus system was led by Martin Luther King and Ralph Abernathy. In the early 1960s the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee led boycotts and sit-ins to desegregate many public facilities. Using the nonviolent methods of Mohandas K. Gandhi, the movement spread, forcing the desegregation of department stores, supermarkets, libraries, and movie theaters. The Deep South remained adamant in its opposition to most desegregation measures, often violently; protesters were attacked and occasionally killed. Their efforts culminated in a march on Washington, D.C., in 1963 to support legislation. Following the assassination of John F. Kennedy, Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson persuaded Congress to pass the Civil Rights Act in 1964, a victory that was followed by the Voting Rights Act in 1965. After 1965, militant groups such as the Black Panther Party split off from the movement, and riots in black ghettos and King's assassination caused many supporters to withdraw. In the succeeding decades, leaders sought power through elective office and substantive economic and educational gains through affirmative action.