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Official assembly with judicial authority to hear and determine disputes in particular cases. Judicial tribunals were originally enclosures (courts in an architectural sense) where the judges sat, while lawyers and the general public had to remain outside a bar (hence the term bar in legal contexts). Modern British courts are divided into those trying criminal cases and those trying civil cases; a second distinction is made between inferior courts, or courts of first instance, and superior courts, or courts of appeal. In the U.S., each state has its own comprehensive system of courts, usually consisting of a superior (appellate) court, trial courts of general jurisdiction, and specialized courts (e.g., probate courts). The U.S. also has a system of federal courts, established to adjudicate distinctively national questions and cases not appropriately tried in state courts. At the apex of the national system is the U.S. Supreme Court. The secondary level consists of the U.S. Courts of Appeals. U.S. District Courts form the tertiary level. Crimes committed by military figures may be tried in a court-martial, and in the past ecclesiastical courts also had broad jurisdiction. See also International Court of Justice, judiciary.