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Vienna, Congress of

在拿破仑战争之後召开的改组欧洲的会议。四国同盟於拿破仑第一次退位前一个月签订了「肖蒙条约」(Treaty of Chaumont)。并同意在维也纳举行的会议,波旁法国被准许参预四强,还有瑞典和葡萄牙,许多小国家都派代表参加。主要谈判者为梅特涅代表奥皇法兰西斯二世(奥地利),沙皇亚历山大一世(俄国),腓特烈.威廉三世派哈登贝格作为他的代表(普鲁士),卡斯尔雷爵士(英国)和塔列朗(法国)。会议达成的主要协议是:法国边界的调整,建立波兰新王国,由俄国统治。制止法国未来侵略的可能性。邻国间势力扩张:荷兰王国得到比利时,普鲁士得到莱茵河沿岸的地区及义大利王国得到热那亚。德意志制定了宪法纲要,使它成为一个松散的联盟,这是梅特涅的胜利。英国得到重要的殖民地,包括马尔他、好望角和锡兰。维也纳会议所制定的协议是欧洲前所未有的最广泛的条约,除一两项有变动外,持续了四十年。


Vienna, Congress of

Assembly that reorganized Europe after the Napoleonic Wars. The powers of the Quadruple Alliance had concluded the Treaty of Chaumont just before Napoleon's first abdication and agreed to meet later in Vienna. There they were joined by Bourbon France as a major participant and by Sweden and Portugal; many minor states also sent representatives. The principal negotiators were Klemens, Furst von Metternich, representing Francis II (Austria); Alexander I (Russia); Frederick William III and Karl August, Furst von Hardenberg (Prussia); Viscount Castlereagh (Britain); and Charles Maurice de Talleyrand (France). The Congress reduced France to its 1789 borders. A new kingdom of Poland was established, under Russian sovereignty. To check possible future aggression by France, its neighbors were strengthened: the kingdom of the Netherlands acquired Belgium, Prussia gained territory along the Rhine River, and the Italian kingdom acquired Genoa. The German states were joined loosely in a new German Confederation, subject to Austria's influence. For its part in the defeat of Napoleon, Britain acquired valuable colonies, including Malta, the Cape of Good Hope, and Ceylon. The Vienna settlement was the most comprehensive treaty that Europe had ever seen, and the configuration of Europe established at the congress lasted for over 40 years.