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Beethoven, Ludwig van



Beethoven, Ludwig van

German-Austrian composer. Born in Bonn to a musical family, he was a precociously gifted pianist and violist. After nine years as a court musician in Bonn, he moved to Vienna to study with F.J. Haydn and remained there the rest of his life. He was soon well known as both a virtuoso and a composer, and he became the first important composer to earn a successful living while forsaking employment in the church or court (though three noblemen, recognizing his brilliance, paid him an unconditional annual annuity). He uniquely straddled the Classical and Romantic eras. His astonishing Eroica Symphony (1803) was the thunderclap that announced the Romantic century, and it embodies the titanic but rigorously controlled energy that was the hallmark of his style. Physically, he was short and unattractive, and he grew increasingly eccentric with age. His increasing deafness from c. 1795 led to near-suicidal depression; from c. 1819 he was totally deaf. Despite several hopeless loves, he remained single. For his last 15 years he was unrivaled as the world's most famous composer. His works include the celebrated nine symphonies (1800-24); 16 string quartets (1798-1826); 32 piano sonatas (1796-1822); the opera Fidelio (1805, rev. 1814); two masses, including the Missa Solemnis (1823); five piano concertos; a violin concerto (1806); six piano trios; 10 violin sonatas; five cello sonatas; and several concert overtures.