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英语数字怎么说 英语数字怎么讲孩子易理解?


The results of overpopulation(人口过剩).

1.Thereis not enough space.

2. There is too much traffic, noise and pollution.

3. Along with the crowds, there willbe smoke and the transport problems.

4. If there are too many people, their workwill be influenced in the future.

5. ….



Can you say these numbers?

101:one hundred andone

110:one hundred andten

122:one hundred andtwenty-two

1,000:one hundred andtwenty-two

1,000,000:one million(百万)

1,000,000,000:one billion(十亿)

123: one hundred and twenty-three

1,234:one thousand, two hundred and thirty-four

12,345:twelve thousand, three hundred andforty-five

123,345:one hundred andtwenty-three thousand,

three hundred andforty-five:

1,234,567:one million two hundred andthirty-four

thousand five hundred andsixty-seven

8,742:eight thousand, seven hundred andforty-two

2,463,128:two million, four hundred andsixty-three thousand, one hundred and twenty-eight

1,370,000,000:one billion, three hundred andseventy million

2,000,030,000:two billion and thirty thousand

7,000:seven thousand

28,000:twenty-eight thousand

135,000:one hundred andthirty-five thousand

7,000,000:seven million

4,500,000:four million and five hundred thousand

79,000,000:seventy-nine million

350,000,000:three hundred and fifty million

21,000,000,000:twenty-one billion

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