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The Drum Tower. /鼓楼。[Photo by Xin Zhicheng] 忻之承 摄

By Gou Wen

In 821 AD, Han Cha, then governor of Mingzhou (currently Ningbo), built the wooden fence as the edge of city with the area from the Zhongshan Square to Drum Tower as its center. Later, the city wall was built to replace the fence. Historically, this surrounded area was called Zicheng. The south gate of Zicheng stood at the place of the current Drum Tower.


In ancient times, the Tower was equipped with clepsydra and drum to inform the people of the time.


In 1935, the Drum Tower added modern clock and alarm device, which was added on the top of the Drum Tower to meet the needs of Ningbo municipal construction.


The Drum Tower has witnessed the changes of urban space in Ningbo for more than 1,000 years. Today, tourists can climb the Drum Tower to see the scenery of Ningbo.


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