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Cultural Revolution


毛泽东为革新中国革命之精神所发动的动乱。毛泽东担忧社会形成的都市阶层,将走向与中国传统菁英分子相似的道路;他也相信,许多设置来纠正失败的大跃进的方案,显示出他的同志欠缺对革命的坚定信仰。毛泽东於是组织中国都市里的年轻人,组成称为「红卫兵」的团体,关闭中国的学校,并鼓励红卫兵攻击所有传统价值,以及所谓的「小布尔乔亚」。红卫兵迅速分裂成狂热的敌对团体,於是在1968年,毛泽东将数百万红卫兵遣送到内陆农村,城市因而回复部分秩序。在政府中,由毛泽东的依附者所组成的联盟则向党内的温和派发动斗争;温和派中的许多人,包括刘少奇和林彪,都遭到革除,而後丧命。从1973~1976年毛泽东病死这段期间,政权在采毛泽东路线的四人帮,和以周恩来、邓小平为首的温和派间移转。毛泽东死後,文化大革命已近尾声。此时,将近三百万的党员,以及无以计数被错误撤职的公民等待复职。在经历文化大革命後的後毛泽东时代里,许多人从幻灭中彻底觉醒。亦请参阅Jiang Qing。


Cultural Revolution

Upheaval launched by Mao Zedong to renew the spirit of the Chinese revolution. Mao feared urban social stratification in a society as traditionally elitist as China, and also believed that programs instituted to correct for the failed Great Leap Forward showed that his colleagues lacked commitment to the revolution. He organized China's urban youths into groups called the Red Guards, shut down China's schools, and encouraged the Red Guards to attack all traditional values and “bourgeois things.” They soon splintered into zealous rival groups, and in 1968 Mao sent millions of them to the rural hinterland, bringing some order to the cities. Within the government, a coalition of Mao's associates fought with more moderate elements, many of whom, including Liu Shaoqi and Lin Biao, were purged and subsequently died. From 1973 to Mao's death in 1976, politics shifted between the Maoist Gang of Four and the moderates headed by Zhou Enlai and Deng Xiaoping. After Mao's death the Cultural Revolution was brought to a close. By that time, nearly three million party members and countless wrongfully purged citizens awaited reinstatement. The post-Mao repudiation of the Cultural Revolution was profoundly disillusioning for many in China. See also Jiang Qing.