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一个社会决定并组织经济资源所有权与分配的一套原则和技术。在通称为自由企业体系的极端情况下,全部资源尽为私有。这个依循亚当斯密(Adam Smith)的体系奠基於当社会所有成员获准去追求自身合理利益时共同益处达到最大的信念。在通称为纯粹共产主义体系的另一个极端,全部资源皆为公有。这个依循马克思(Karl Marx)和列宁(Vladimir Ilich Lenin)的体系奠基於以下的信念:欲使财富不均最小化,并获得人们同意的其他社会公正,需要生产方法公有化,并由政府控制经济的每个方面。没有一个国家实行任何一种极端的经济制度。当国家从资本主义(capitalism)历经社会主义(socialism)到共产主义(communism)时,会有更多的生产资源成为公有,也更倚赖经济计画。比较接近政治体系而非经济体系的法西斯主义(fascism)是一种混合产物,私有资源被合并为商业财团并置於中央计画状态的掌控之下。

economic system

Set of principles and techniques by which a society decides and organizes the ownership and allocation of economic resources. At one extreme, usually called a free-enterprise system, all resources are privately owned. This system, following Adam Smith, is based on the belief that the common good is maximized when all members of society are allowed to pursue their rational self-interest. At the other extreme, usually called a pure-communist system, all resources are publicly owned. This system, following Karl Marx and Vladimir Ilich Lenin, is based on the belief that public ownership of the means of production and government control of every aspect of the economy are necessary to minimize inequalities of wealth and achieve other agreed-upon social objectives. No nation exemplifies either extreme. As one moves from capitalism through socialism to communism, a greater share of a nation's productive resources is publicly owned and a greater reliance is placed on economic planning. Fascism, more a political than an economic system, is a hybrid; privately owned resources are combined into syndicates and placed at the disposal of a centrally planned state.