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神经系统疾病,导致人体不同部位肌群的不规则、不自主和无目的的运动,一般认为是大脑皮质的基底节神经细胞病变所致。西德纳姆氏舞蹈病(Sydenham's chorea,或圣维杜斯舞蹈病〔St. Vitus' dance〕)常常和风湿热有关。本病多累及五~十五岁的女孩。典型的症状是抽搐,大部分发生在脸部和四肢,可能会影响到说话和吞咽,症状轻重不等。常常复发,每次发作的病程约为数周。亨丁顿氏舞蹈病(Huntington's chorea)是一种遗传性疾病,较为少见,但预後不好。发病年龄多在三十五~五十岁之间,且随年龄增长,病情逐步恶化。最初的症状是肌肉痉挛及或多动、共济失调。这些舞蹈病样动作进展虽不快,但却经年累进,成为一种无目的的、不能控制的而且常常是剧烈的痉挛性抽搐。从发病到死亡,大约在经过十~二十年,本病尚无有效疗法。老年性舞蹈病是一种源於脑血管病变的进行性疾病,和西德纳姆氏舞蹈病相似。


Neurological disorder causing irregular, involuntary, purposeless movements, believed to be caused by degeneration of the basal ganglia in the cerebral cortex. Sydenham's chorea (St. Vitus' dance) is usually associated with rheumatic fever. It usually occurs between ages 5 and 15, more often in girls; typical jerking movements, mostly in the extremities and face, may affect speech and swallowing and range from mild to incapacitating; attacks last several weeks and recur frequently. Senile chorea, a progressive disease resembling Sydenham's chorea, usually occurs late in life. Huntington's chorea is rare, hereditary, and fatal; it usually begins between ages 35 and 50, progressing to random, often violent, and eventually totally incapacitating spasms, absent only during sleep. Mental deterioration begins later and death occurs in 10-20 years. There is no effective therapy. Children of those afflicted have a 50% chance of developing the illness.