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Curie, Marie,原名Maria Sklodowska。

波兰出生的法国物理化学家,以研究放射性驰名,两次获诺贝尔奖。1891年起在巴黎大学索邦(Sorbonne)学院就读,1895年与皮埃尔.居里结婚,两人开始协力合作。1896年贝克勒耳(H. Becquerel)在铀中发现一种新现象(玛丽後来称之为「放射性」),她正好要寻找写博士论文的题目,决定试验能否在其他物质中找到相同的性状。结果她与施密特(G. C. Schmidt)同时发现钍便具有这一性质。在转向矿物时,她的注意力被沥青铀矿吸引,随後皮埃尔加入她的研究工作,结果发现了新元素钋和镭。当皮埃尔潜心於对新放射物作物理学研究时,玛丽则努力於获得金属状态的纯镭。1903居里夫妇和贝克勒耳因发现放射性而共获诺贝尔物理学奖。1906年皮埃尔意外身故,她接任丈夫留下的教授空缺,成为在巴黎大学任教的第一位女性。1911年因发现钋和分解出纯镭获诺贝尔化学奖,成为第一位两次获奖的人。此後她专心於研究放射性物质的化学性质以及这些物质在医学上的应用,1934年因放射作用引起的白血病去世。为了表彰她的贡献,在1995年将她的骨灰安置於巴黎的先贤祠,是第一位获此殊荣的女性。


Curie, Marie

Polish-born French physical chemist. Born in Warsaw, she studied at the Sorbonne (from 1891). Seeking for radioactivity, recently discovered by Henri Becquerel in uranium, in other matter, she found it in thorium. In 1895 she married fellow physicist Pierre Curie (1859-1906). Together they discovered the elements polonium and radium, and they distinguished alpha, beta, and gamma radiation. For their work on radioactivity (a term she coined), the Curies shared a 1903 Nobel Prize with Becquerel. After Pierre's death, Marie was appointed to his professorship and became the first woman to teach at the Sorbonne. In 1911 she won a Nobel Prize for discovering polonium and isolating pure radium, becoming the first person to win two Nobel Prizes. She died of leukemia caused by her long exposure to radioactivity. In 1995 she became the first woman whose own achievements earned her the honor of having her ashes enshrined in the Pantheon in Paris. See also Frederic Joliot-Curie.