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First series of unmanned U.S. deep-space probes. Pioneer 1 was the first spacecraft launched by NASA (1958). Pioneers 1-4 were all intended to be lunar missions, but only Pioneer 4 succeeded in escaping earth's gravity (1964). Pioneers 6-9 were successfully launched into solar orbits (1965-68) to study the solar wind, solar magnetic field, and cosmic rays. Pioneer 10, launched in 1972, was the first space probe to traverse the asteroid belt and the first to fly by Jupiter (1973), where it discovered Jupiter's huge magnetic tail. It then became the first manmade object to exit the solar system. Pioneer 11's data and photographs (1979) enabled scientists to identify two previously undiscovered moons and an additional ring around Saturn and radiation belts in its magnetosphere. Pioneer Venus 1 and 2 began orbiting Venus in 1978, sending back observations of its clouds and lower atmosphere and radar maps of its surface; Pioneer Venus 2 also released four probes into its atmosphere.