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Rossini, Gioacchino (Antonio)



Rossini, Gioacchino (Antonio)

Italian composer. He sang in church and in minor opera roles as a child, began composing at 12, and at 14 entered Bologna's conservatory, where he wrote mostly sacred music. From 1812 he produced theater works at a terrific rate, and for 15 years he was the dominant voice of Italian opera; his major successes included [opera]L'Italiana in Algeri (1813), [opera]Otello (1816), [opera]The Barber of Seville (1816), [opera]La Cenerentola (1817), [opera]Mosè in Egitto (1818), [opera]The Siege of Corinth (1826), and [opera]Semiramide (1823). His speed and nonchalant attitude made him seem more careless than he was; the musical formulas he devised would shape Italian opera until Giuseppe Verdi, but his wit and invention using them was unparalleled. From 1824 he spent much time in Paris, where he wrote his masterpiece, [opera]William Tell (1829). After 1832 his health was poor, and he composed little until the series of wonderful piano pieces and songs collected as [musiccomp]Sins of My Old Age (1868).