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非洲语,意为分开或分离。南非(Sonth Africa)实行的一种隔离(segregation)政策,及对非白人在政治上和经济上实行歧视。得到法律认可的种族隔离,1948年前在南非已广泛实行,不过在这一年取得政权的国民党将此一政策又加以扩充,并定名为种族隔离政策。1950年的「种族区域法」(Group Areas Act)为每一种族在市区建立了居住和商业的区段,其他种族的人不准在这些区段内居住、经营商业或拥有土地。为了推行种族隔离,防止黑人侵犯白人的地区,政府加强了现行的「通行法」(非白人进入禁制区时须携带许可证)。其他一些法律禁止种族之间的大部分社交接触,准许公共设施分隔开来,建立分别的教育标准,每个种族只限於从事一定种类的职业,限制了非白人成立工会,并不准非白人(通过白人代表)参加国家政府。创设了数个非洲人家园。它们具有不同程度的自治权;但所有这些,在政治上和经济上仍均从属於南非。然而,南非经济对非白人劳动力的依赖,使政府难以实现这一分别发展的政策。虽然政府有力量压制几乎所有对其政策的批评,但在南非内部却总有一些人反对种族隔离政策。得到一些白人支持的非洲黑人团体,举行游行示威和罢工,发生过多起暴力抗议和破坏的事件。种族隔离政策也遭到国际社会的谴责。1990至1991年间废止了为种族隔离政策提供法律依据的大多数社会立法。然而一贯的种族隔离在南非社会仍属根深柢固,并且事实上还在继续。亦请参阅African National Congress (ANC)、racism。


(Afrikaans: “apartness” or “separateness”) Policy of segregation and political and economic discrimination against non-European groups in South Africa. The term was first used as the name of the official policy of the National Party in 1948, though racial segregation, sanctioned by law, was already widely practiced. The Group Areas Act of 1950 established residential and business sections in urban areas for each race and strengthened the existing “pass” laws, which required nonwhites to carry identification papers. Other laws forbade most social contacts between the races, authorized segregated public facilities, established separate educational standards, restricted each race to certain types of jobs, curtailed nonwhite labor unions, denied nonwhite participation in the national government, and established various black African “homelands,” partly self-governing units that were nevertheless politically and economically dependent on South Africa. Apartheid was always subject to internal criticism, and led to many violent protests, strikes, and acts of sabotage; it also received international censure. In 1990-91 most apartheid legislation was repealed, though segregation remains deeply entrenched in South African society. See also African National Congress, racism.